9 Reasons WrestleMania 33 Will Exceed 32

3. Brock Lesnar Is Sharing The Ring With An Equal

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Visibly bored and going through the motions, a routine performance was all fans got from Brock Lesnar at 'Mania 32; quite clearly stifled rather than motivated by his pairing with Dean Ambrose, Paul Heyman's beast-like client produced a glorified squash match that did little to present Ambrose as threatening.

There's little doubt that Lesnar would much rather share the ring with someone like Goldberg, because he's a similar alpha male character who doesn't need weapons to realistically match up with the former UFC Heavyweight Champion.

This year, the 'Beast Incarnate' gets what he wants.

Any time Brock Lesnar is motivated to play ball and help make opponents look good, the outcome is enjoyable; fans need only look back at Brock's many battles with The Undertaker, Triple H, and John Cena to see that an enthused Lesnar is capable of sterling matches.

Squaring off with Goldberg for the Universal Title is a step up from pin-balling Dean Ambrose around the ring during a series of protracted-yet-disjointed bumps. Better yet, WWE have already went the short route with Goldberg vs. Lesnar, so WrestleMania 33 hints at something a little longer but no less satisfying.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.