9 Steps To Getting Over In WWE (100% Guaranteed)

2. Be A Smark-Only Secret

New day

Wrestling fans, like conspiracy theorists and cult members, like to feel special.

They like being party to mystical, hidden knowledge that the sheeple cannot or will not embrace, the arcane keys to the truth about what the world really is. So seductive is the notion of being part of a special, smart people-only club that leveraging it can get the any spandex jockey over like Kournikova.

This method is very difficult to achieve, since it means capturing the mercurial, self-adjusting zeitgeist of people who want to be nerdier and yet cooler than the people around them. Zack Ryder managed it for a while when he led a crazed assault on the Internet, posting YouTube videos before it was compulsory and appealing directly to wrestling fans who gather in the dark places of the internet to be smart together. By some strange alchemy, their love for him spread and he actually reached the level of championship contender before the rest of the WWE discovered the Internet and made it uncool again.

None can say who will ever cram this particular lightning into a bottle again. Perhaps it can never be achieved in our multi-stream, integrated media universe. But if you can, you will be a god among men, a deity of audience devotion, an icon of overness that will shine from sea to sea.

For about three months.


Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.