9 Steps To Getting Over In WWE (100% Guaranteed)

1. Actually Be Good

New day

For a man who was supposedly buried every week by the Powers That Be, Daniel Bryan sure did have a WrestleMania built around him.

And Kevin Owens, despite being the prime example of the kind of wrestler the WWE didn't use to employ, somehow ended up not just being hired by them but getting hot-shotted to a top-tier level he managed to stay at. And how did these two manage it? Catchy music ? No (although Ride of the Valkyries is pretty swag). Ironically dumb pop culture references?

Try again.

It’s because they're actually really good. Daniel Bryan was the best wrestler in the world for a long time, and it was that raw talent and dedication to putting on a good performance every night that made audiences love him. It took a while, but all that graft in mixed tag matches on Smackdown laid the groundwork for a run that put D-Bry at the absolute pinnacle of his business. Kevin Owens is a recent example whose impactful indy style overcame the fact he isn't a sculpted beef golem and put him straight into the heart of the WWE roster. A bout of faith in his talent got him the prominent early run, and consistent excellence kept him there. Wrestling history is littered with others who got there just be being good, with Bret Hart as the poster boy for how quality counts.

Just being damned good at what you do seems to be one of the most consistent methods of getting over. It’s also the most work.

Can’t be bothered? Best get brushing up on those memes, son.


Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.