9 Tales Hulk Hogan Just Told Ric Flair That Are Probably Bullsh*t

8. Harley Beats Up Hulk

In a second Harley race story, Hogan tells about a time he was working with Harley Race in the Alabama territory working for the Fuller brothers. Race told Hulk to "hardway" him - legitimately bust him open to make him bleed - but the younger Hogan didn't know what he was talking about until Harley yelled at him about it. Hogan's attempt to bust Race open did more damage than intended and caused his eye to swell up. This infuriated the tough-as-nails Race, who threw The Hulkster our of the ring. He grabbed a large camera from a female audience member and smashed it into Hulk's face, causing both of his eyes to swell up. Harley looked at Hulk and said "We're even" and then they went back to working the match. :Later on that night, there was a discrepancy in pay between the wrestlers and promoters, and Harley Race raised a ruckus and made sure that he got his money. Hulk said he "got a good education that night."

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.