9 Tales Hulk Hogan Just Told Ric Flair That Are Probably Bullsh*t

7. WrestleMania 8: Hogan vs. Flair

The dream match that never was is brought up as Flair's co-host asks for Hogan's perspective on why the obvious bout between he and Ric never took place at WrestleMania 8. Hogan's short answer is that he doesn't know, adding that he was in his own world at the time but if he had anything to do with it not happening it could have had to do with his personal relationships with Vince or at home. Hulk thinks they could have done great business together for a year or more, "flipping the belt back and forth four or five times" but for some reason it just never happened. He claims that they did record numbers at all the houses they worked together, but when it came time to for WrestleMania "they just shut it down and switched gears on us." The consensus opinion regarding this issue is that the Hogan/Flair house show matches were actually drawing quite poorly despite expectations, and those disappointing figures were the reason Vince McMahon pulled the plug on the contest headlining the biggest show of the year.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.