9 Things We May Never See In WWE Again
1. Blading

I’ve saved what I see as the most ironic for last, because in the case of blading it seems we’ve reached a point where we’ve come full circle.
Blading, or using a tiny razor blade to nick your forehead and draw blood, was typically used as a safe alternative to having someone bludgeon an opponent and bust them open the hard way. It was discrete, it didn’t run the risk of inflicting a concussion, and the wound would usually heal much quicker.
However, the very principle of cutting open your own forehead is a little unsavoury, and so WWE have banned this practice in fear of upsetting potential sponsors. After all, the Coca-Colas and Pepsis of advertising aren’t going to want to associate themselves with such barbaric self-mutilation, right?
But here’s where the irony really comes into play, because WWE has become so intent on outlawing this supposed barbarianism that they’d rather revert to the bygone days of busting people open the hardway. Case in point; Brock Lesnar gashing open Randy Orton’s forehead at SummerSlam 2016.
Not only did this necessitate staples in Orton’s head, but it also left him with a concussion that has since prevented him from returning to action. And yet somehow, in today’s PR-sensitive landscape, that’s the more favourable option to the relatively safer practice of blading. Go figure…
Regardless of the questionable logic behind it though, judging by the events of that SummerSlam main event, it appears that blading could indeed be a thing of the past as far as WWE are concerned.