9 Things You Need To Know About WWE’s New Performance Center Recruits
3. Rita Reis Is A Multi-Time Medalist In Jiu-Jitsu & Judo
If Gomes ever needs a sparring partner at the PC, then he'll be able to rely on fellow MMA lover and Brazilian Rita Reis. She's already been a multi-time medal winner in both Jiu-Jitsu and Judo despite only being 24 years old, and would probs be able to take Marcos to the limit.
After winning gold at the 2017 Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Championships, Reis decided she'd like to branch out and try her luck in pro wrestling. It's worth noting that she's also shone in the same sport (Judo) Ronda Rousey once held dear. Could WWE be onto something, nabbing Rita before UFC had the chance?
How times have changed.
Reis has bagged titles in her native South America and across Europe as well. She's obviously talented as a fighter. The question is, can she become a credit to WWE's Performance Center, find her way as a wrestler and blend real combat know-how with entertainment?