9 Times Wrestlers Were Draped In Gold

5. Lance Storm

lance storm titles

After his run in ECW, Lance Storm came into WCW like a great ball of fire, defeating Lt. Loco (aka Chavo Guerrero Jr.), Big Vito, and Mike Awesome in order to win three different WCW titles in very quick succession.

But it wasn't just his time as WCW's first and only triple champion that made this run a career highlight. It was how he renamed each title to suit his Canadian sensibilities.

The United States Heavyweight Championship became the Canadian Heavyweight Championship. The Cruiserweight Championship became the 100 Kg and Under Championship. And the Hardcore Championship got a much-needed face-lift when it became the Saskatchewan Hardcore International Title.

Forming Team Canada and giving two of the belts to Carl Ouellet and Elix Skipper, Storm was then front-and-center for the one of the dumbest swerves in WCW history, as 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan turned heel and joined Team Canada.

Not the best way to close out a memorable multiple champion's run.

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