9 UFC Stars Who Could Be In The WWE Soon

2. Josh Barnett

https://twitter.com/JoshLBarnett/status/595688815555178497 Josh Barnett, the former UFC Heavyweight Champion, catch wrestler, Metamoris standout, podcast host, and War Master, has long been active in the professional wrestling world, finding a moderate level of success over in Japan. In fact, his love of pro wrestling was enough to delay his re-signing with the UFC prior to his most recent run. With his MMA career no doubt winding down - he hasn't fought in a year, though he does have an upcoming bout with Roy "Big Country" Nelson in Japan in September - Barnett will be looking to the future, and as a big man with a title reign in the UFC (albeit one marred by a doping scandal), he'd have a certain allure to the WWE, at least as a possible challenger to Brock Lesnar. Before you dismiss that idea, consider that Barnett is strong on the mic, has been wrestling for years, was a Heavyweight Champion like Lesnar, and is a big, big guy. The champion vs. champion angle would sell itself, and a lot of curious UFC fans might just cross over and watch whatever event hosted a bout between the two. It's doubtful that Barnett would have a long career with the promotion given he's closer to forty than thirty, but it would still be a great short-term pickup for the WWE. To add smoke this particular rumor, Barnett has been training with WWE diva Natalya of late.
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.