9 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (13 March)

7. More Shine For Drew Gulak

Daniel Bryan Drew Gulak

This has been a good week for Drew Gulak.

The formerly-overlooked 205 Live drifter has worked a stellar pay-per-view match with Daniel Bryan, and he's now getting more rub from a top star by forming an alliance with D-Bry. On SmackDown, Daniel put Gulak over as someone who could teach him a few things, and then Drew camped out in Bryan's corner during his match with Cesaro.

Being included in one of Bryan's angles and the Intercontinental Title mix is big for Gulak. He was doing precisely nothing before this story started, and now he could find himself in the WrestleMania picture or as Bryan's next tag-team partner. History has shown that Dan makes the most of everything - this will be no different.

There are two ways WWE can take Gulak's character now. He can become a default babyface by association with Bryan, or he can eventually turn on him and continue stringing together technical marvels on TV and pay-per-view. Both scenarios work.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.