9 Ups & 3 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling Hard To Kill 2022

2. The Wrong Kind Of Spotfest

The Good Brothers Violent By Design Heath Rhino Rich Swann Willie Mack Eddie Edwards
IMPACT Wrestling

Hard To Kill was almost an entire show of spotfests, but the Hardcore War - the only match that was allowed to rely on such spots to succeed - overdid it so much so that it was almost worthless having on the card.

It wasn't bad, and it's important to stress this. The match as a whole was solid, all things considered, with Rhino ultimately scoring the win for his team with a nasty-looking Gore to Karl Anderson. That was fine, if a tad deflating given everything that had come before it.

The issue was with the padding between that and the opening of the bout.

This is a story that has been bubbling, really, since the 2020 Bound For Glory pay-per-view, where Heath earned his IMPACT contract at last. These risqué spots were needed, but how many, exactly? The bulk of the match was spent going from one spot to the next without much work being done to connect them. Eddie Edwards, for example, smacked Eric Young in the back with a (barely) flaming kendo stick, and within a minute, Young gave him a Piledriver off the apron and through a table.

It's such a shame, as a large portion of this was actively enjoyable. It was just missing a few layers.


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