9 Ups & 3 Downs From ROH Final Battle 2022


3. "You F**ked Up!"

A.R. Fox ROH Final Battle 2022

Yep, you certainly did.

The Final Battle opener of Blake Christian and A.R. Fox taking on Rush and Dralistico was a fun, frenetic contest for the most part, but it's tough not to give a Down to the match's finish.

That finish saw Fox get the 1-2-3 after hitting a 450 Splash on Dralistico, though it was clear that something was amiss here. Having La Faccion lose would've been a strange move, especially considering how the duo have often come up short in major matches, and the genuine shock of A.R. Fox suggested that he wasn't supposed to get the pinfall victory over Dralistico... at least not at that point in the contest and in that way.

The post-match beatdown from Rush and Dralistico on their opponents also felt tacked on for the duo to get some heat back and try to salvage the clear miscommunication of the match-winning sequence. This wasn't the only issue with the bout either, for there were a couple of points where the timing was a little off, in particular an extremely delayed nearfall where Christian seemed to be late making the save.

Admittedly, the frenzied, spot-heavy action was entertaining, but it's tough to ignore some of the clear errors of this contest.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.