9 Ups & 3 Downs From ROH Final Battle 2022


9. The Best Commentary Team In The Game

ROH Final Battle 2022 Caprice Coleman Ian Riccaboni

A quick Up here just to show some love to Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman.

While both have been featured on AEW programming - particularly Riccaboni - this tandem really is the best commentary in the game right now. The pairing would be great as AEW's main duo or heading up one of WWE's brands, but it appears that they'll remain on the call for Ring of Honor under Tony Khan's stewardship.

For Riccaboni, he perfectly manages to have a sense of authority and wisdom to his words without every feeling dull or monotonous. And in Caprice Coleman, Ian has the perfect partner to bring the right amount of spice and flavour to the table. The action on display at Final Battle was largely great, and all of it was only enhanced further by the dialogue and delivery of Messrs Riccaboni and Coleman.

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