9 Ups & 3 Downs From ROH Final Battle 2022

7. Keith Lee Vs. Shane Taylor Felt Big Time

ROH Final Battle 2022 Swerve Strickland Keith Lee Shane Taylor

The ending may have felt somewhat awkward, but Swerve in Our Glory vs. Shane Taylor Promotions had the crowd hooked from start to finish.

Going into Final Battle, some had complained how Shane Taylor and JD Griffey were unknowns to a large portion of the AEW audience. While that might be true, Taylor and Griffey turned up big time in their match against Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland - and a big part of the success of this contest was how Lee vs. Taylor felt like a major deal.

Part of the key to this was the excellent commentary from Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman, with the duo doing an great job of detailing why Lee and Taylor have a personal issue. Added to this, the way that the two performers were largely kept away from each other throughout the match made it mean so much more to the watching crowd when the two powerhouses did square off.

It's also fair to say that Keith Lee felt like, well, Keith Lee here. For so much of his AEW run, Limitless has often felt off a step or has been overshadowed by the unique physical charisma and star power of Strickland. Here, Lee was on phenomenal form.

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