9 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Full Gear 2022

5. Old Pals Come Through

AEW Full Gear 2022 Jamie Hayter Britt Baker Rebel

Before Full Gear, yours truly bored everyone to sleep with constant reminders that Jamie Hayter's time was coming. He just didn't know it'd be this soon, or that Hayter would be gifted the 'Interim' AEW Women's Title instead of the real deal. Or, is Thunder Rosa's story going to be wrapped up?

Who knows?

Toni Storm's title reign was a bit pointless, to tell the truth. Her plight almost turned this into a 'Down', but Jamie has this vibe that's hard to dismiss, and it's a positive that she'll be a huge part of the women's division going forwards from here on out. Plus, she was really happy about winning here.

All Elite bosses can pivot away from Toni vs. Rosa towards Hayter vs. Britt Baker. If they're on the ball, they'll also shed that 'Interim' tag ASAP by putting a bow on that sort of stuff. Mr. Khan needs to get a handle on this 'Interim' business. Either stick by injured champs or don't.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.