9 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling & NJPW Multiverse United (Review)

5. Big Boys Doing Big Boy Things

Jeff Cobb Moose
IMPACT Wrestling

Though it took a while to wholly come to life, Jeff Cobb vs. Moose was everything you'd expect it to be.

The impending vibe of an uncivilised fight was instilled in the viewer's mind from the entrances; Moose looked almost apprehensive as he walked out, objecting to his identifying brazen arrival as the magnitude of the match set in. This wrinkle of storytelling helped Moose feel like the Moose of old, a dominative fighter and not an at times cowardly heel.

It wasn't full of adrenaline-pumping high spots but when they did occur, the audience was in hysteria at the preposterous competence of Cobb to be able to deadlift Superplex a six-foot-five ex-NFL player. Their ingenuity to differ from what was expected of them was confirmation of their ability to adapt to a night where everything had to be unique. There was no need for them to be the hard-hitting clash it could have been, as KENTA and Minoru Suzuki covered that style somewhat lavishly, so they intelligently changed the direction of the match.

Jeff Cobb was brash in some of his mannerisms, standing atop a downed Moose, knowing that the referee was unable to stop him as no rules were broken, in doing so weakening Moose's back in preparation for the Tour of the Islands. It worked, as the very move won him the match - but it wasn't without a fight.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.