9 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling & NJPW Multiverse United (Review)

6. Surprise, A Solid X Division Scramble

Clark Connors Rocky Romero
IMPACT Wrestling

It will never astonish your writer that with every IMPACT pay-per-view, it's the X Division outing that emerges as a focal point.

On this occurrence, it was Trey Miguel, Rich Swann, Frankie Kazarian, Rocky Romero, Kevin Knight, and Clark Connors doing the division proud with an unparalleled contest, the hexagonal contingent working in sync for the extent of the match. Demonstrating an unambiguous act of cohesion, they were peerless in their efforts, each spot being effortless in execution and seamless in continuation.

The match used the two in, four out mechanism without being reliant on it, upholding an open-mouthed pace that prospered all six. Kevin Knight's sell of Frankie Kazarian's slingshot Cutter was breathless, as was Clark Connors' opulence of Spears, the bulk of which were completed flawlessly. The nature in which Connors administered some of the executions - through the ropes, diving, catching a mid-handspring Rich Swann, et al - allowed for potentially treacherous miscalculations but instead, he pulled them off while showing himself as a virtuoso of the move.

His match-ending middle-rope Spear on Kevin Knight was a radiant illustration of why he's a star of the future - and it didn't even win him the match, instead being used by Trey Miguel to remain X Division Champion after he ejected Clark from the scenario. A great fiery spot to highlight the conceivable probability of Clark Connors as a future X Division staple.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.