9 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling & NJPW Multiverse United (Review)

1. Suzuki Gets Angry, Does Nothing About It

Minoru Suzuki KENTA
IMPACT Wrestling

KENTA and Minoru Suzuki wrestled a good match with a deflating finish. The former, sensing a loss, shoved the referee aside, hit Suzuki low, rolled him up, and put his feet on the ropes for added leverage. It wasn't a heel-being-a-heel; it was a hurtful finish to a fundamentally fine match.

Commentary put over the fact that KENTA and Suzuki had beef over the former's Strong Openweight title, which was being contested - but they wrestled a match more reminiscent of the King of Pro-Wrestling title. It did little to denote this purported heat (if anything, it evaporated it), with the entire match being controlled by KENTA riling up Minoru Suzuki, Suzuki getting p*ssed off, and then doing nothing about it.

He, instead, maintained the same stinker of a facial expression as if he couldn't be ars*d to be there. His pre-Gotch-style Piledriver sleeper hold was thwarted by the aforementioned shenanigans surrounding the match finish and when he tried to wail a steel chair at the former Hideo Itami post-match, one referee prevented him from doing so and then he just...left.

The match was the antithesis of everything Minoru Suzuki - and KENTA, truthfully - stands for. It was one of the more anticipated bouts on the card, too; a colossal detriment to both men, the title, and the live and virtual audience. This reeked.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.