9 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling & NJPW Multiverse United (Review)


9. Breaking The Rule

Tom Hannifan Matthew Rehwoldt Ian Riccaboni
IMPACT Wrestling

Ignore the clumsy angle of the above screenshot; the broadcast booth was on a raised platform without a level camera to hand, resulting in oafish camera angles.

Multiverse United used a three-man commentary booth, encompassing usual broadcasters Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt, and guest announcer Ian Riccaboni, replaced by Mickie James for the Knockouts bout. Bar James' piercing screams that she was remorseful for, the trio booth worked well, as each announcer skillfully brought something to the table that is generally astray during instances of three commentators working together.

It is an arduous task to comprehend and it's on the broadcasters to establish a consistent flow without encroaching on each other. IMPACT shouldn't jump to make the three-man booth a regularity because of one success story, but doing so now and again when a third announcer has sufficient expertise on a leading match-centric subject would be tolerable.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.