9 Ways To Improve TNA Impact Wrestling

3. Quit Hiring Old Wrestlers

the_wrestler_main Lately, wrestlers seem to have hit their primes in the latter stages of their careers but that's not usually the case. There just aren't that many Bully Ray or Kurt Angle's around. I completely understand why an older wrestler would want to go to TNA. Lighter work schedule, less travel, easier money. But that doesn't mean TNA should reach out to them. TNA doesn't need them. They don't need a 59 year old Hulk Hogan, a 42 year old D'Lo Brown or a 49 year old Al Snow. They just don't. Granted, a lot of TNA's main stars are in their 40's and that's OK, but if they want to build towards the future, they need to build their young stars NOW. At the very least, give them a chance. Give the ball to Magnus, Petey Williams or Matt Morgan and see what they can do, they just might impress us all. If all else fails, Bobby Roode, James Storm, AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels can carry the company as far as it can go. If nothing else, at least they're all TNA guys. Again, hulkamania's over brother.
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Former member of Jesse and the Rippers. Obsessed with wrestling. I'd only wear sweat pants and jerseys if it were socially acceptable. Beard enthusiast. Lover of sports, gaming, tattoos, writing, music, poker, tv, movies, food, sarcasm, laughing, debating and all things Louis C.K. and Larry David. Also if you have and or ever thought about wearing a visor and or fanny pack, I'm afraid we can't be friends.