9 Ways WWE Failed Miserably On The Road To WrestleMania 32

6. Ignoring The Fans

In response to the previous entry, I know I'm beating a dead horse here but can anyone honestly explain with logic and reasoning why WWE so steadfastly refuses to turn Roman Reigns heel? The word has always been that Vince is going to ride with Reigns until the crowd eventually comes around, and that they're okay with the "mixed reactions" because Cena gets them as well and he's doing just fine. The problem with that thinking is that while it's true that Cena draws mixed reactions, he also shifts exponentially more merchandise and sells more tickets than Roman Reigns does - and probably ever will, unless something drastically changes. The most apt comparison here would be if WWE continued to ignore the "Die, Rocky, Die!" chants and vociferous boos their blue chipper was receiving and forged ahead with him as the squeaky clean babyface. Instead they had the good sense to respond to the will of the people, turn him heel and give birth to arguably the greatest character in wrestling history. Due to their stubbornness, WWE is going to close WrestleMania 32 with their new babyface champion having his coronation flooded by the boos and smark rage of almost 100,000 fans.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.