9 Wrestlers Who Could Have Been WWE Champion In The 1990s

6. Razor Ramon

owen hart wwe champion

In the days of garish cartoon characters and neon colors, perhaps no performer played their role so well (aside from the Undertaker) as Scott Hall played Razor Ramon.

His gimmick and mannerisms quickly won him over as a fan favorite, and while he wasn't quite on the level in-ring as Shawn Michaels or the Hart Brothers, he more than held his own in matches and helped contribute to some instant classics. For example, Ramon has the distinction of helping revolutionize the ladder match in WWE at WrestleMania X with HBK, which earned the company's first WON 5-Star rating.

Unfortunately, Razor hit a plateau in early 1995. After becoming one of the company's most popular babyfaces, a plan was in place to turn The Bad Guy heel once more to feud with The Undertaker. In fact, vignettes of Ramon cutting promos in a graveyards were shot in preparation. However, plans changed, and Ramon was kept a babyface who never ascended past the Intercontinental title picture.

If Vince had stuck to his plan and turned Razor heel, he would have been an excellent part of the 1995 and 1996 main event scenes, and could have easily been credible as World Champion. Perhaps then, he wouldn't have left for WCW, and the business as we know it could have been very different.

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Owen Hart
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