9 Wrestlers Who Didn't Learn From WWE Royal Rumble Mistakes

4. Big Show And Kane - The Alliance That Never Works

Scotty 2 Hotty Royal Rumble 2001 Royal Rumble 2002

Supposedly it was Albert Einstein who first coined the phrase "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results".

If that quote is indeed true, then lord knows how outright nuts that makes the Big Show and Kane - for they tried the exact same combined plan of attack nearly ten years apart.

First up, the 2006 Royal Rumble match saw the World's Largest Athlete and the Big Red Machine opt to work together as part of a plan that would see the bout's other 28 competitors unable to stop the combined forces of these two goliaths.

The only issue is, heels are gonna heel. And thus, this temporary alliance soon collapsed in on itself, as the pair ended up attempting to chokeslam each other over the top rope. Cue opportunistic babyface Triple H, who seized this opportunity to throw these giant monsters to the outside.

Jumping ahead nine years, and the 2015 Royal Rumble match saw Big Show and Kane do the exact same thing. As in, establish a monstrous heel alliance, turn on one another, and get dumped courtesy of the big babyface of the day - which this time out happened to be Roman Reigns.

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