9 Wrestlers Who Didn't Learn From WWE Royal Rumble Mistakes

3. Bret Hart - Didn't Learn From His Brother-In-Law's Error

Scotty 2 Hotty Royal Rumble 2001 Royal Rumble 2002

Bret Hart is known for being one of the smartest in-ring workers, both in a kayfabe and shoot sense, in the history of the wrestling business.

So much of what made the Hitman one of the all-time best ever is that everything he did between the ropes mattered. There was forever a reason and rhyme to what Hart would do when on offense, and the Excellence of Execution was known for always having a thorough, well-informed, unique plan of attack for each and every opponent that he'd face.

With all of that in mind, you'd have thought that Bret would've at least made sure to be wary of making the same schoolboy error as his brother-in-law, Davey Boy Smith.

Instead, 1997 saw Hart, much like the British Bulldog did in 1995, take his eye off the prize at the most vital moment.

In '95, it was Davey Boy who fool-heartedly believed he'd won the Royal Rumble, turning his back on a Shawn Michaels who would 'skin the cat' and eliminate the Bulldog to win that contest. Two years later, it was Hart turning his back on the eliminated 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin that cost the Best There Is, The Best There Was, and the Best There Ever Will Be from notching up his second Royal Rumble win.

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Senior Writer

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