9 WWE Moments That Prove Vince McMahon Has Been Going Blind For Years

8. The Illegitimate Son Angle

The Obvious Course Of Action: The original payoff to this angle was apparently to reveal Mr Kennedy as Vince's illegitimate son. Unfortunately, Kennedy was suspended for a month due to a violation of the wellness policy, forcing the WWE to either delay the storyline or shoehorn somebody else into the role. Given Kennedy's status as a hot up-and-comer (and the leeway shown to previous wellness violators such as Randy Orton), a simple month-long delay was surely in order. Vince's Course Of Action: The potential star-creating storyline quickly descended into farce, as comic relief figure Hornswoggle was revealed to be the mystery son of McMahon. The pair went on to enjoy several cringe-inducing segments together (including an incredibly tasteless mocking of JR's Bell's palsy). The angle was stretched out far beyond its already limited shelf life, before it was finally revealed that the whole thing was untrue, and that Hornswoggle was actually Finlay's son. Kennedy, meanwhile, was eventually driven out of the company thanks to allegations from Cena and Orton that he was an unsafe wrestler - a fate which could have potentially been avoided had Vince resisted his urge to fill his product with terrible "comedy".
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.