9 WWE Moments That Prove Vince McMahon Has Been Going Blind For Years

4. Interviewing Pillman's Widow

The Obvious Course Of Action: Sympathy, understanding, and assistance the night after Brian Pillman's sudden and tragic passing. Vince's Course Of Action: Quite what Vince was thinking when he came up with the idea of interviewing the deceased Brian Pillman's widow on national television (just a day after his tragic death!) nobody will ever know. The fact that an interview took place at such a sensitive time is terrible enough in itself, but the content of McMahon's questioning was a whole new level of appalling. He questioned Melanie Pillman about Brian's alleged overuse of painkillers, as well as how she planned to cope as a single mother of five children. This quite baffling level of insensitivity would undoubtedly be number one on this list if it weren't so confusing; Vince surely can't have been so cruel and sadistic to have asked such questions with the intention of upsetting Brian's widow - it's quite possible that he was intending to come across as sincere and sympathetic, and simply misjudged the situation horribly. Let's certainly hope so.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.