AEW: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About MJF

6. He Auditioned For Tough Enough

MJF loves to tell people, “I’m better than you and you know it,” so he might not like people knowing that he not only tried but failed to get on WWE star search, Tough Enough. This despite telling,”Trip” in an audition tape that, “I am the future of your company.”

WWE might also regret not having picked Max up when they had the chance. The production team obviously didn’t feel MJF was up to the standard for the show’s sixth season, though none of that year’s men have exactly set the wrestling world alight.

This is made all the worse by the comparisons often drawn between MJF and The Miz. Despite their mutual respect, MJF no doubt wants to set himself apart from the WWE stalwart but not by getting totally outclassed on the Tough Enough front. The former WWE champion and WrestleMania headliner is the shows most successful alumni ever.

MJF must wish he could bury his audition tape, but WWE uploaded it to their own YouTube account six years ago. Then again, like the CM Punk meet and greet and his NXT blunder, Maxwell’s Tough Enough past might end up more grist to his creative mill.

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Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.