AEW All Out: 10 Things That Must Happen

8. Riho Beats Hikaru Shida

Riho Hiksru Shida

Her opponent for the Women's Title match later this year should be Riho.

The Japanese starlet's victory in a Triple Threat match at Fyter Fest showed what she could do, and she held it together during some of the hairier moments her tag match at Fight For The Fallen's Buy In had. Come All Out, she'll be keen to showcase what joshi wrestling is all about alongside Hikaru Shida.

In the intro, it was said that AEW already have a habit of throwing good wrestlers out there without proper context behind why they're wrestling. This, despite lacking that killer grudge feel or even a feud to speak of, gets a pass because of the Women's Title importance. It's a match building towards All Elite's future, and that's an acceptable reason to book it.

Riho vs. Allie, perhaps with some snot-faced interference from a bitter Brandi Rhodes or a p*ssed off Awesome Kong, sounds fun. The crucial thing here is that AEW differentiate their women's division from WWE's by focusing on in-ring action.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.