AEW All Out: 10 Things That Must Happen

5. Tully Blanchard Helps Spears Win

Shawn Spears Tully Blanchard

Tully Blanchard is perfect in the advisory role he has in AEW. Older fans treat the former Four Horsemen with distinction and respect because of what he's done in the past, and that drips down to younger indy viewers who need another reason to dislike Shawn Spears in his quest to upend Cody.

They'd have every reason in the world to boo the hell out of both if Tully was the difference maker at All Out.

Should Blanchard help Spears overcome Cody, it'd send a message to every wrestling fan out there that AEW won't be some love-in for the guys who started it. It's a truly fair world, one that's capable of turning Spears' going-nowhere, treading-water career into a run laced with money, prestige and exciting, unpredictable booking.

Plus, Tully's involvement would shine a positive light on the importance of the pro wrestling manager. Aside from Paul Heyman, that's a lost art in recent years, and it's the kind of old-school tradition and booking that All Elite should relish the chance to revitalise.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.