AEW Full Gear: 10 Things That Must Happen

3. 'Lights Out' Has Blood

AEW Full Gear

Everything about Moxley vs. Omega screams rage.

The match is billed as "unsanctioned" (a dead giveaway to any long-term wrestling fan that destruction is imminent), they've been using glass, barbed wire and more in the build, and this is Mox's freedom speech to the world post-WWE. Surely, that means there will be a dash of claret at Full Gear.

More likely, if Jon has his way, it'll be a river of blood to rival that scene from The Shining, but he and Omega will have to carefully avoid outshining the designated main event with their antics. They can get away with it if they're not on right before Cody vs. Jericho and don't go overboard with blood like Dustin and his bro did at Double Or Nothing.

As for the result, a Moxley win sounds ideal. The dangerous aura he has merits it, and Omega losing can lump him in with his Elite chums dropping to defeat elsewhere. If you've got a weak tummy, don't eat before watching this one.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.