AEW Full Gear 2022: 10 Things That Must Happen

6. Thunder Rosa Returns To Confront Toni Storm

AEW Full Gear 2022 MJF

Even Toni Storm thinks it's a wee bit rubbish that she's only the Interim AEW Women's Champion. As aforementioned, all this place holding needs to stop - All Elite surely don't think having multiple champs for the same belt constantly is thrilling television, but they can make something worthwhile of the latest example.

Welcome back, Thunder Rosa!

Say Toni beats Jamie Hayter on Saturday, then starts celebrating like she's won the Super Bowl. Suddenly, Rosa's music would hit and she'd strut out holding her own AEW Women's Title. Thunder would then enter the ring and have quite the polite chat with Storm about who's the rightful champ.

This would get the ball rolling on a 'Champ vs. Interim Champ' feud that can culminate before the end of the year in the main event slot of some special Dynamite episode. Thunder vs. Storm is the kind of branding that writes itself, to be honest.

This needs to happen.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.