AEW X NJPW Forbidden Door 2022: 10 Nightmares That Could Happen

4. CM Punk Isn’t There

Tony Khan AEW Titles

Older fans will recall the buzz of seeing Mike Tyson take in the 1998 Royal Rumble from a skybox. 'Iron' Mike whooped and hollered with either delight or disgust depending on what was happening, and that added so much to the show. AEW should try something similar with one CM Punk.

He must take in the main event, at least.

Forbidden Door kinda needs Punk's presence in some form or fashion. He's obviously not getting physical due to injuries keeping him on the shelf, but showing him watching a few of the matches with a keen eye wouldn't hurt Sunday's presentation at all. What if AEW just don't think about this though?

That'd be bad, because it'd make it look like Punk doesn't give a shiny sh*t who leaves as interim champ for a belt he was so proud to win at Double Or Nothing. Nowt says 'B' pay-per-view like your reigning champion skipping it, injured or not.

That's especially true when he should have a vested interest.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.