AEW X NJPW Forbidden Door 2022: 10 Nightmares That Could Happen

5. AEW Announces Even More Titles

Tony Khan AEW Titles

Oh no.

AEW once had the World, Women's and Tag straps to focus on. Then, they added the TNT belt, which was fine for a while. Since then, the title cabinet has exploded to include the TBS strap, that new All-Atlantic one, all of ROH's championships, some AAA straps (when they're featured), Impact's main prize and now the IWGP titles.

Jesus, Tony - do you think that's enough? Unfortunately, AEW's big boss man might not stop there. Khan has talked in the past about introducing Women's Tag-Team Titles and brand new Trios belts for six-person matches. This is complete and utter overkill, and it shouldn't happen.

It'd be so rubbish if All Elite diluted the title scene even further with more championships. This guy can picture a beaming Tony on stage at Forbidden Door though. There, he'd proudly announce more belts for fans to keep track of.

What next? Inviting WWE to switch the guff 24/7 Title on Rampage?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.