AJ Lee's 10 Best WWE Moments

2. Becoming The Longest Reigning Divas Champion Ever

Though the WWE Divas Championship has only existed since 2008, the belt has changed hands 25 times between the various women on the WWE roster, and AJ Lee holds the joint record for most amount of reigns, tying with Eve Torres at 3 apiece. AJ also holds the record for longest ever reign as champion, having held the title for 295 days between June 2013 and April 2014. It's a record that will likely stand for a while, as another long run from Paige might not feel too fresh right now, while current champion Nikki Bella will likely come to the end of her reign soon. WWE may be keen to have someone else break the record now that AJ is leaving, but they need to ensure that they maintain a standard of storytelling and wrestling that is befitting of their only women's title belt. AJ Lee routinely proved herself against the entire divas locker room, defending her championship on many occasions against many different opponents. This in itself was what made Paige's debut victory all the more momentous, as the seemingly unbeatable champion had finally been beaten. It was a great, albeit short-lived way of building up the Divas Championship, and the WWE could learn a lot about booking their mid-card championships in the same way.
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AJ Lee
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