AJ Lee's 10 Best WWE Moments

3. Having Her Farewell At WrestleMania 31

Though nobody knew at the time, AJ Lee's last big farewell came on the Grandest Stage of 'Em All at Wrestlemania 31. Though she also wrestled the night after on Raw as part of a great 6-diva tag team match, it was the fact that she gained the victory for her and Paige against The Bella Twins the night before that really signed her off as one of the best divas the WWE has ever had. There had been rumours for over a year that AJ was going to be on her way out of the company sooner rather than later, but it still came as a big surprise when it was announced on WWE.com and WWE's Twitter account on April 3rd, given that she had just come off of such a high profile victory. Though pro wrestling tradition says that one should always lose their last match before they retire in order to give something back to the business, AJ Lee has managed to give more to women's wrestling in just a few short years than most do in a lifetime.
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