AJ Lee's 10 Best WWE Moments

8. Making History With Natalya On Main Event

Another amazing talent among the WWE divas is Natalya. She's one of the most respected competitors in the WWE, and comes from a long line of great wrestlers in the legendary Hart family. It's no surprise that she was able to come up with some excellent matches with AJ, and the pair worked together on many occasions. Several matches that the pair had together were on Main Event. Though it isn't one of the flagship shows for the WWE, it does enable more minor feuds and lower-profile matches to get a longer amount of time on screen to work. This is exactly what AJ Lee and Natalya both took advantage of on the March 11th, 2014 episode of the show, where they broke the record for longest Divas Championship match ever, at 14 minutes and 19 seconds. The match itself was hailed as one of the best in years, and proved what the women of the WWE can do when they're given a chance to have a longer match than normal, which brings us nicely to...
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