All 15 Undertaker/Triple H WWE Matches: Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Raw (21 April 1997)

Undertaker, Triple H, WrestleMania XXVIII
WWE Network

'Taker and Triple H's second ever one-on-one match took place on WWE's flagship show and wasn't actually part of a larger program. As Undertaker was the WWE Champion at the time, this was the young 'Game's chance to prove himself as a worthy contender - which he thoroughly did.

Though the match started out quickly with 'The Lord of Darkness' attacking Helmsley during his entrance (a rather out-of-character move for the face champion), it soon slowed down rather significantly as reverse chinlocks and sleepers brought things to a standstill. Much of the action saw Triple H focus his attack on the wound that 'Taker sustained as a result of being burned by Mankind, and this also became repetitive quickly.

Like most of their early clashes, it ended in a DQ finish due to outside interference (this time it was Mankind), but not before an entertaining final stretch that saw The Undertaker deliver an impressive running leg drop and a one-handed Chokeslam. While it was surprisingly long, it was nice to finally see what these two could do in the ring together.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.