All Of The Undertaker’s WWE Gimmicks Ranked From Worst To Best

7. American Badass (2000 - 2001)

The Undertaker 1996 Lord of Darkness

An Undertaker for a new generation, 'The Phenom' kicked off the century by pulling the trigger on the personality change he had been teasing for the better part of two years as he tore into Judgment Day on a motorcycle and unleashed hell on everyone and everything that bah gawd moved.

A more human variation of the character that sported sunglasses, a bandana and his signature trench coat, this was 'Taker's way of showing us what the man behind the gimmick was really like. And you know what? He was every bit as badass as 'The Deadman'.

Though 'Taker's in-ring work had declined at this point in time because of the fact that he was still healing up from a decade of injuries (and carrying a little extra weight as a result), the American Badass significantly impacted his fighting style moving forward as he began brawling like an MMA fighter and dropped all of the physical supernatural elements during his matches.

It was a modern evolution of the character and, while some didn't necessarily get it, it was still a major success that sustained The Undertaker in an era that was becoming more and more realistic. And if you even try telling this writer that you didn't pop whenever 'American Badass' or 'Rollin' played over the arena, you're probably lying.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.