All Of The Undertaker’s WWE Gimmicks Ranked From Worst To Best
5. Western Mortician (1990 - 1994)
There aren't enough words in the English dictionary to describe the feelings of both awe and dread that overcame us all whenever that ominous spectre of The Undertaker first made his way into a WWE arena.
A cold, lifeless figure, he towered over everyone and everything in and out of the ring, making his presence felt without ever uttering a word and unleashing his physical dominance at an impressively slow pace. Yes, the zombie-like motions of 'Taker's debuting gimmick was part of what sold it so well because, at first, it wasn't about his ability to impress you with what he could do in the ring, it was about his ability to captivate you when he was standing completely still.
A man of very, very few words, a single look said more than enough. And everything, from the hat-and-coat in the entrance to the grey tie, gloves and boots, sold The Undertaker in seconds, introducing us to what would go on to become the greatest character in wrestling history.