All WWE Horror Movies Ranked Worst To... Less Bad

6. See No Evil

See No Evil 2
WWE Studios

The fans who love See No Evil don't necessarily think it's great by typical movie standards, and it's not.

Former WWE writer Dan Madigan claims the fault lies with the studio's choice to bring in another screenwriter, who allegedly stuffed the script full of clichés that Madigan intended to avoid.

This claim is more than a little dubious, however, as Madigan's own novelization packs in roughly three thousand clichés per page. Strangest among them is the idea that horror films need at least one completely unlikable victim, an idea the film takes too far by making all of its characters either dangerous, melodramatic, or boring.

Since Kane stars as the killer, it's possible that we're meant to be actively rooting against the survivors, but Kane's frankly not an amazing character either. Throughout the whole movie, Jacob Goodnight just bumbles around until he happens upon someone he hasn't killed yet.

Iconic killers like Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers do admittedly much the same thing, but at least they wear masks so we can't see how bored they look.

That said, See No Evil does have a few somewhat clever moments, and some of its stupider ideas (like Jacob's tripwire-activated sex alarm) are at least imaginative enough to warrant a mild pat on the back for trying.

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WWE Studios
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Kieran enjoys overanalyzing and arguing about pop culture, believing that heated debates can (and should) be had in good fun. He currently lives in Fort Worth, TX, where he spends his time chatting with strangers on the bus and forcing them to look at pictures of his dog.