Assessing Future Of 10 WWE Stars Who Didn’t Make Royal Rumble 2019 Cut

3. Kane

Kane Crown Jewel

Kane has appeared in WWE's Rumble a record-setting 19 times since debuting, and he's thrown 44 wrestlers over the top rope in that time. In 2001, he had the distinction of working the dominant big man spot, and he's become synonymous with January's 30-man brawl since.

Not so in recent times.

Glenn Jacobs (the man behind the mask) has been more concerned with launching his politics career over the past few years. He's the Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, and that means his time is more restricted than it once was; Kane's annual Rumble showings dried up in 2018 and didn't resume this year.

Kane will be a sporadic wrestler for WWE in 2019 and going forward. His full-time days are very much behind him, he's busy working his day job and there's a sense that the company are ready to move on. It'll be a surprise if the promotion have anything for him come WrestleMania beyond the Battle Royal.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.