Assessing The Futures Of 10 WWE Stars Who Didn’t Make Royal Rumble 2020 Cut

8. Cedric Alexander

Cedric Alexander

Ol' Cedric might need some tips in longevity from R-Truth soon.

Dave Meltzer reported in his Wrestling Observer last year that Vince McMahon was the one who called time on Alexander's promising push on Raw. That had to come as a crushing blow to the former 205 Live man, especially if he was getting a ton of support and mentorship from Raw creative mind Paul Heyman.

Missing the Rumble tells Cedric exactly where he's at on the pecking order. He's so far away from mingling with top names like Roman Reigns and challenging for the United States Title (like he was from late-summer to September 2019), and he's barely even appearing on television these days. Things are not looking good.

Cedric has become house show cannon fodder, and he's probs be better off requesting a spot on NXT or trying his luck elsewhere. Obviously, that's easy to say from the outside looking in. Alexander is still earning cash by being part of the WWE machine. It's just that he's currently such a minor cog in it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.