Assessing The Futures Of 10 WWE Stars Who Didn’t Make Royal Rumble 2020 Cut

6. Tucker

Heavy Machinery

Neither member of Heavy Machinery were technically entered into the men's Royal Rumble. That didn't stop the ham-eating, cake-loving, Mandy Rose-chasing Otis from being at ringside during the women's version, but his tag-team brother was missing in action the whole night.

Tucky didn't get a look in, or a mention from the announcers at all.

It's tough to gauge where Tucker is in WWE's thoughts after recent plot developments between Otis and Mandy on SmackDown. He's third-wheeling it right now (the same could be said for Sonya Deville, though she's at least still working matches), and he's struggling to match the charisma his tag partner has or the connection Otis shares with fans.

Is he doomed? Not necessarily. There's always a chance that Tuck will find some character of his own and shock the creative team into giving him more focus. For now, however, he's very much an auxiliary cast member in a story that he's toiling to stay a part of.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.