Assessing The Futures Of 10 WWE Stars Who Didn’t Make Royal Rumble 2020 Cut

5. A Load Of Tag-Teams

Viking Raiders

The Viking Raiders went from Raw Tag-Team Champions one minute to Houdini impressionists the next.

Their disappearing act was briefly tempered by that backstage attack on AOP 24 hours after the Rumble, but it's slim pickings for Erik and Ivar now they're no longer champs. The Raiders aren't the only tag-team who vanished in time for the first pay-per-view of the year either.

The Street Profits, The IIconics, The Revival, Lucha House Party, The B-Team and likely some more tags and groups weren't involved one bit. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins are still doing their quasi-host thing on Raw, The IIconics have been frozen out, The Revival's future is very much up in the air, Lucha House Party has been temporarily cancelled and the 'B' in B-Team stands for 'banished'.

Traditionally, most of these team members would've been part of the 30-person rosters for each Royal Rumble. The fact they were omitted without any fanfare shows how unimportant they are. Or, in the case of The Viking Raiders, WWE just don't really know the best spot for them.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.