Ballers: 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Rock's TV Show Premiere

1. The Closing Twist

What would a self-respecting series premiere be without a closing twist to hook the audience for next week? Ballers delivers in spades by revealing that Strasmore, the most outwardly responsible of all the main characters, is struggling with financial difficulties of his own. This is sure to have severe ramifications as the series progresses, particularly considering the $300,000 loan happily dished out by Spencer to Vernon. Equally concerning was the ease with which Strasmore was able to hide his worries, turning to his girlfriend with a convincing smile despite being unable to withdraw cash from an ATM machine. Did you watch Ballers? Share your appreciation below in the comments thread.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.