Ballers: 7 Things You Need To Know About The Rock's HBO Series

5. It's Set In Maimi, And The Budget Looks Huge

Just a few individual scenes from the trailer look to have cost a bomb. Ballers is clearly working with a large budget, and intends to make the most of it. Set in the famously opulent city of Miami, the show has gone all out to look expensive. In a lot of cases, it can be easy to mock a TV series for blowing a huge amount of cash on superfluous elements, but Ballers has a genuine excuse. The plot is very centrally centred around the accumulation and reckless spending of money, dealing with some of the richest people in society (professional athletes). It therefore makes sense that a sense of legitimacy is needed to back up such a world - the show is fully prepared to put its money where its script is. Even the more ludicrously tacky sports cars and extravagant private yachts make sense, fitting in with the idea of irresponsible young athletes spending with little care for the consequences.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.