Ballers: 7 Things You Need To Know About The Rock's HBO Series

4. It Can Be Seen As A Legitimate Critique Of The NFL

Although the chances of Ballers throwing the words 'National Football League' out there are pretty much impossible, the parallels are intentionally obvious - and the league's fictional cousin doesn't come across well at all. The previously-mentioned toil on Strasmore's physical health is highly likely to be the lingering result of his pro football career, an issue currently plaguing the NFL. The sheer number of ex-players diagnosed with concussion-related brain disease is staggering and shocking. Another of Ballers' thinly-veiled critiques of the pro sporting world revolve around the fiscal irresponsibility of its athletes. Many American athletes go bankrupt within a few years of retirement, particularly those who leave the game young and are accustomed to spending in great excess. Leagues such as the NFL and NBA have been widely criticised for grossly overpaying their stars, as well as failing to adequately prepare them for such severe lifestyle changes.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.