CM Punk: 10 Angles For An Epic WrestleMania 30 Return

10. Shows Up To Tease A Raw Announcement

Cm Punk Vince Mcmahon If Punk does return at WrestleMania, it might be smart to have him do as little as possible. He's a commodity right now so spread out his worth. Have him come out for the huge pop and WrestleMania moment, but then when he takes the microphone do a swerve. "I've got something to say," then a long pause, "but you're all going to have to tune into Monday Night Raw tomorrow to hear it." Punk then exits to the back. It's kind of similar to Chris Jericho's silent promo upon his return a few years ago, it creates intrigue. The result will be that WWE gets two huge chunks of value out of Punk's return, they have gave fans what they wanted at Mania but also ensured everyone watches Monday Night Raw the next night. We all know that WWE now like to do a traditional big moment on Raw the night after Mania, so Punk's speech would be that spot. It could either be a new pipe bomb or even a new contract announcement. One thing for sure, if WWE promote Punk's first comments ahead of time, they'll do one of the biggest ratings of the year.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.