CM Punk: 10 Angles For An Epic WrestleMania 30 Return

8. Unites The Disillusioned Stars

Faction With speculation about WWE creative plans for a new 'disgruntled union' faction of Miz, Ryder, and Ziggler, imagine how great it would be and how much sense it would make if CM Punk came back to lead the group. Punk is the ultimate superstar with a gripe! He fits right in with Ziggler's recent interviews about getting tired of being passed over. At WrestleMania 30, one great angle with Punk could be centred around taking leadership of the new faction. Say for example, The Big Show wins the Andre Battle Royal. There's a pretty good chance fans might turn on that, as the chant goes "same old s***". What could transpire is Ziggler looks on after being eliminated and takes a mic. "Paul, I'm sick of being overlooked here, so it's time for Dolph Ziggler to take." Ziggler could then start laying into Big Show, helped by Miz and Ryder who run in to help. Ziggler then re-takes the mic, "that's right WWE, me and my buddies are here to take our rightful spots, we are the union ... and we got one man in particular we want to welcome as our leader." Cue Punk's music and entrance, in what would be one of the hottest faction formations since the NWO.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.