CM Punk: 10 Talking Points About His WWE Exit And Future Return

1. The Conclusion To CM Punk's WWE Career

In summary, CM Punk has left WWE due to physical and creative frustrations. It isn't a work and he isn't coming back. The WWE will run his contract down to July and Brooks may at that point make some comments. There's just as much a chance he won't. Brooks has moved on from wrestling and doesn't care any more. His CM Punk twitter account is exactly that, CM Punk. It isn't Phil Brooks' account, it's an account he tweets his wrestling fans from. Brooks may never use that twitter again. There will always be scope for a future return for at least the next five years. Brooks is a relatively young man, on a lucrative part time deal, he might consider doing business. As for WWE, at this stage they'll probably just continue to blank Punk out of their version of history. He simply won't be brought up. However, as we have seen with the likes of Hart and even Sammartino, everyone gets their due eventually. Punk's legacy will be silenced for now, but he will get the long term recognition he deserves, he's a future WWE Hall Of Famer for certain. He leaves wrestling as one of the best performers of all time. His in ring ability together with his microphone work were of the very highest order. He deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as the likes of Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle. The 434 day WWE Champion will continue to be remembered as the best in the world for any fan who witnessed him.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.